Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Let's talk chemical warfare. Home-style.

yeah, yeah, it was supposed to be light blogging... but I'm doing something relentlessly dull, and so my mind's spinning at way too many rpms.

Water Bugs.
Aka, the cleaner variety of roaches.

They're big. And fairly smart. With no fear, they show up somewhere in plain view, as if to say "Hi There! How ya doin'?" And they come in up your pipe drains when it's dry (which has been, homina homina, the past seven months straight here) to get something to drink. While they're hanging around, they look for something to munch on. If their toilet habits weren't so abominable, they might actually be trainable as a beneficial insect.

But, they're not, really. Instead they're just something you put up with, and punch to death when you hear your bunnywife(tm) screech.

Or, you can stock some OrangeGuard(tm) or other citrus-oil cleaner, and instead of chasing after one of nature's dumb-but-nigh-invulnerable masterpieces, you can go SPRAY, and it'll be completely dead inside thirty seconds. No muss, no fuss, wish I'd had this stuff when I had to clean out a few college-student apartments...

Convenient, dead, easy-to-clean-up, nice-smelling bugs. I recommend it.

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