Wednesday, November 30, 2005


(Begin Orbital Mind-Control Laser Burst.)
You, or somebody else in South Korea, read this blog almost every day. Given that I have about five faithful readers, I doubt I've suddenly developed a following in the land of Bulgogi and Dul Sot Bi Bim Bap. (MMMM, Bulgogi.....)

We know almost nothing of what you are doing, except that you are apparently really into this whole home-made hooch thing.

You WILL insert a description of your daily life in the comments section of this entry. You WILL include the name of any women playing a significant role in that life. You WILL leave your friends with a clue as to the continuation of your existence and the state of your welfare.

If you DO NOT do this, your friends WILL retaliate by retelling and/or inventing embarrassing Blair stories. If you DO NOT do this, your sister will be especially recruited for the task.

(End Orbital Mind-Control Laser Burst.)

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