Thursday, August 11, 2005

Just in case anybody wonders why "New York" is a pejorative term...

NYC is now planning to try to ban trans-fats in its restaurants... "you don't want to tell people what they can't eat," says one waitress.

Well, guess what, Virginia? Yes they do....

Let's face it. Hydrogenated vegetable oil is crap, an industrial-age manufactured food substitute. But then again, last time I checked, fruit juice containing 80% corn syrup is crap, too, and all sorts of folks enjoy drinking that. Many of those people will probably outlive me.

But it's so much easier to worry about what people are eating than trying to solve some of the City's real problems, like unsafe nightmare schools, and a rent-control-fueled housing situation, that in the words of the Wall Street Journal last year, makes it "economically irrational" for a member of the middle class to try to have a career and retire there.

Nevertheless, I'm sure the next transplanted New Yorker I bump into down here in Texas will somehow try to convince me that he's somehow more sophisticated than all his fellow economic refugees from tax-ridden, corrupt "opportunity-free zones" such as Lagos, Addis Ababa, and the State of California...

UPDATE: Yes, I'm aware that there are really cool folks upstate. man, do I feel sorry for you guys. Maybe you could, I don't know... engineer a political coup or something in the State House?